Empower Your Journey With the English Language.
Improve your communication skills and unlock your full potential.

We believe in the transformative power of language. Our mission is to provide refugees with the tools they need to not only survive, but to thrive in their new homes. We proudly offer tailored synchronous General English Language courses designed to empower refugees on their path to social integration and success.

Why is English proficiency important?

Prepares learners for their new job market opportunities.

Facilitates social integration and enhances communication.

Enables access to services and resources.

Why choose our program?

Cultural Harmony

We value your unique background while helping you integrate into your new community.

CLB-Based Curriculum

Following the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) framework, it focuses on practical language skills applicable to your daily life.

Expert Instructors

Our instructors are committed to your growth, providing support all the way through.

Flexible Learning

we offer flexible learning options, including online classes that you can access from the comfort of your own space.

Do you know your CLB Level?

Before embarking on your language learning journey, it's important we understand your current CLB level. This will help us place you in the appropriate course to ensure you get the most out of your education.

Start Your Assessment Test

Our easy-to-use online assessment test will help us determine your current language proficiency level. This is the first step toward tailoring your learning experience and setting you on the path to success.

Get started today

By joining the program, you're not just enrolling in courses – you're becoming part of a supportive community. Connect with fellow learners, share experiences, and grow together as you learn the language that will empower your future.

Start your free assessment test

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I thought learning English would be a lot harder and would take much longer. I learned a lot of new vocabulary and can now form complete sentences and hold entire conversations. Thanks englease!

- Ali M.


I needed to work on some skills and englease was the perfect platform for me. I highly recommend englease whether you’re a beginner or just need to refine some skills

- Samer A.


What I loved most about englease was that I didn't have to leave my house to learn! I have a busy schedule and having classes available 16 hours a day gave me the opportunity to learn whenever I could free up some time! Highly recommended!

- Malak S.

certificates are issued by englease and are accredited by CPD